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98% Positive Reviews
Lightweight portable scooter
Airline compliant batteries
Range to suit everyone
High quality designed scooter

SupaScoota HD Mobility Scooter

Special Price $3,390.00 Regular Price $3,795.00
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100 % of 100

• Truly portable scooter
• Long distance travel in complete comfort
• Dual motor drive system
• Max load 125kg
• Est Travel Range 8-10 km


With quick release mechanisms, the SupaScoota can fold down within 10 seconds allowing it to fit comfortably into most vehicles and compact enough for home storage.


The SupaScoota range (except Micro Lite & Supa Lite) comes equipped with a suspension seat. This will ensure a comfortable journey, especially when driving on uneven surfaces. It also helps with stability, giving you a much more pleasant ride. The ride is also enhanced by pneumatic tyres on all models except the Micro Lite. Swivel seat is also available except on the Micro Lite and Supa Lite.


All batteries are airline complaint. The battery is portable, and can be removed to make charging easier. Without the battery, the weight of the scooter is significantly reduced and can be stored away with ease.


The travel distance on the SupaScoota range will exceed the requirements of most users but for people who require extra travel distance, a spare battery option is available.


In this photo (above), the seat has been removed. Once folded down, this should be manageable for most people to lift into a car or storage space.
If you do struggle to lift the SupaScoota with only the seat off, then to make life easier it can be made even lighter by removing the battery and splitting the wheelbase in half.What if I’m still struggling to lift the scooter? Well, the wheels are removable too, making the scooter lighter still.
When the scooter is folded, it can be stored horizontal or upright in a small space or in a car boot.

A premium mobility scooter engineered with performance & functionality

SupaScoota's are designed for comfort and convenience, with features like adjustable seats, easy-to-use controls, and large, air-filled wheels that provide a smooth ride over a variety of terrain. If you're looking for a mobility scooter that provides a great combination of portability, comfort, power, and reliability, a Supa Scoota scooter is a great choice. Back Care Online stock the premium range of SupaScoota's. Why not reach out to one of our team members at Back Care Online today and discover the many benefits of owning a SupaScoota scooter for yourself!

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