How to choose the right Electric Wheelchair for you?

Are you considering an electric wheelchair to help you or a loved one regain mobility and independence? With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Fortunately, the team at Back Care Online is here to help! As experts in electric wheelchairs, we can provide knowledgeable advice and support to help you choose the right model for your needs. Here's a guide to get you started:


Consider your needs: The first step in choosing an electric wheelchair is to consider your specific needs. What is your weight and height? What terrain will you be travelling on (indoor, outdoor, or both)? How long will you be using the wheelchair each day? By answering these questions, you can narrow down the list of potential models.


Weight capacity: Electric wheelchairs come with different weight capacity limits, so it's important to choose one that can safely support your weight. The E-Traveller Wheelchairs, for example, offer a range of weight capacities to suit different individuals.


Turning radius: The turning radius is the amount of space needed for the wheelchair to make a complete turn. If you plan to use your electric wheelchair in tight spaces, such as in a small apartment or a crowded store, look for a model with a smaller turning radius. 

Battery life: Another important factor to consider is battery life. How long will the battery last on a single charge? This will depend on factors such as the weight of the user and the terrain being travelled. Look for a model with a battery that can last as long as you need it to. 


Comfort features: A comfortable seat with good padding and adjustable armrests can make a big difference in your overall experience using an electric wheelchair. Look for models with these features to ensure you're as comfortable as possible.


Consult with experts: Finally, don't hesitate to reach out to the team at Back Care Online with any questions or concerns you may have. We have experience with a range of electric wheelchairs, including the E-Traveller, Quingo and Sweetrich brands, and can provide knowledgeable advice to help you make an informed decision.


By considering your needs, weight capacity, turning radius, battery life, and comfort features, you'll be able to choose an electric wheelchair that meets your needs and helps you regain your independence. At Back Care Online, we're committed to providing friendly and knowledgeable support to ensure you find the right electric wheelchair for you.