5 Reasons Why the Supalite 4 is the Perfect Mobility Scooter for Travellers

Mobility scooters have become an essential mode of transportation for people with limited mobility. However, for those who love to travel, finding a mobility scooter that is lightweight and portable can be a challenge. Fortunately, the Supascoota Supalite 4 is the perfect mobility scooter for travellers. Here are 5 reasons why:

Lightweight and Portable Design

The Supalite 4 is one of the lightest mobility scooters available on the market, weighing only 22 kg (48.5 lbs) without the battery. It can be easily disassembled into three lightweight pieces, making it easy to transport in the boot of a car, on a plane, or on a cruise ship. Additionally, it can be stored in a small space, such as a hotel room or a cabin on a cruise ship.

Easy to Maneuver

The Supalite 4 has a tight turning radius, which makes it easy to maneuver in tight spaces such as crowded airport terminals, narrow hallways, and small shops. It also has a stable base and four wheels, which provide a smooth and safe ride on different surfaces.

Long Battery Life

The Supalite 4 has a range of up to 13 km on a single charge, which is enough to explore different destinations without worrying about running out of power. It also has a removable battery, which can be charged separately, allowing the user to have an extra battery for longer trips.

Comfortable and Customisable

The Supalite 4 features a comfortable seat and an adjustable tiller, which allows the user to customise the scooter to their individual needs. It also has front and rear suspension, which provides a smooth and comfortable ride even on rough terrain.

Safe and Reliable

The Supalite 4 has been designed with safety in mind. It has a maximum weight capacity of 115 kg and a top speed of 6.4 km/h. It also has a reliable braking system, which ensures a smooth and safe stop.

The Supascoota Supalite 4 is the perfect folding and travel mobility scooter. Its lightweight and portable design, easy maneuverability, long battery life, comfortable customisation, and safety features make it an ideal choice for those who want to explore different destinations without sacrificing their mobility.

At Back Care Online, we understand the importance of finding the right mobility scooter for your needs. That's why we have a friendly team of staff who are knowledgeable and experienced in providing advice and support to our customers. Contact us today to learn more about the Supalite 4 and how it can enhance your travelling experience.